knock\ about

knock\ about
1. III
1) knock about smb. /smb. about/ call. knock about one's wife (each other, etc.) поколотить жену и т. д.
2) knock about smth. сои. the gloves must be knocking about the room somewhere перчатки, должно быть, валяются где-то в комнате; that old thing has been knocking about the house for years это старье годами валяется где-то в доме
2. IV
knock about smth. in some manner coll. he's knocked about the world quite a bit он немало побродил по свету, где он только не побывал
3. XI
be knocked about in some manner our boat was awfully knocked about by the waves нашу лодку сильно потрепало волнами; our ship has been terribly knocked about in battle наш корабль сильно пострадал в бою; the furniture was badly knocked about in transit при перевозке мебель изрядно пострадала; he was badly knocked about его здорово отделали; the car was badly knocked about машина была сильно помята
4. XVI
coll. knock about over (in) some place knock about all over the world (all over Asia, all over Europe, etc.) бродить /скитаться/ по всему свету и т. д., he has knocked about in Africa for years он годами разъезжал по Африке; knock about for some time he knocked about for half an hour он поболтался там с полчаса; knock about with smb. he knocks about with some odd characters он водит компанию с какими-то странными типами

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "knock\ about" в других словарях:

  • knock\ about — • knock about • knock around v To travel without a plan; go where you please. After he graduated from college, Joe knocked about for a year seeing the country before he went to work in his father s business. Compare: kick around …   Словарь американских идиом

  • knock about — ► knock about (or around) informal 1) travel or spend time without a specific purpose. 2) happen to be present. Main Entry: ↑knock …   English terms dictionary

  • knock about — index ill use Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • knock about — phrasal verb knock around or knock about Word forms knock around : present tense I/you/we/they knock around he/she/it knocks around present participle knocking around past tense knocked around past participle knocked around informal 1) British… …   English dictionary

  • knock about — 1. noun an informal game, usually football 2. verb a) to spend time with someone as a friend I used to knock about with John when we were younger. b) To do a relaxing activity. I like to knock …   Wiktionary

  • knock about — travel without a plan, go where one pleases We decided to go to Brazil and knock about for a couple of months …   Idioms and examples

  • knock about/knock around  — [v] roam, wander drift, ramble, range, rove, traipse, travel, walk; concepts 151,224 Ant. stay, wait …   New thesaurus

  • knock about (or around) — informal 1》 spend time or travel without a specific purpose. 2》 happen to be present. → knock …   English new terms dictionary

  • knock about — Synonyms and related words: abuse, bat around, batter, bruise, buffet, bum, count ties, divagate, do violence to, do wrong by, do wrong to, drift, flit, gad, gad about, gallivant, go about, go the rounds, hit the road, hit the trail, hobo, ill… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • knock about — or[knock around] {v.} To travel without a plan; go where you please. * /After he graduated from college, Joe knocked about for a year seeing the country before he went to work in his father s business./ Compare: KICK AROUND …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • knock about — or[knock around] {v.} To travel without a plan; go where you please. * /After he graduated from college, Joe knocked about for a year seeing the country before he went to work in his father s business./ Compare: KICK AROUND …   Dictionary of American idioms

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